This is what you will need
100 tendlis (gherkins)
3 tsps salt
1and 1/2 cup oil
100 kashmiri chillies (if kashmiri chilies are not available you can use 75 red chillies)
60 flakes garlic
3 inch piece ginger
1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds
1 cup vinegar
1 1/2 tbsp turmeric
7 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp mustard seeds
Cut gherkins into quarters, add salt and leave in the sun for an hour. Drain any water that might collect. Grind all the spices using vinegar, to a fine paste. Heat oil in a large pan add the mustard seeds then add the spice paste and fry the spice paste over low heat for a minute. Stir in sugar and add the tendlis, cook till just tender.Do not over cook.If necessary add more sugar,salt and vinegar according to your taste. cool and bottle.
Hi Vilma,
Could you please tell me what are Garlic Flakes. Is it fresh garlic pieces or dried garlic flakes? If its dried garlic flakes where is a good place to purchase them. Please advise thanks.
I fixed it with fresh garlic and it came out really good
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